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Inflation to the Nines

Twice in the past few weeks President Joe Biden has claimed that when he took office in January 2021 inflation was “over nine percent.” First on CNN’s OutFront with Erin Burnett on May 8 and again on May 14 in a Yahoo! Finance interview, the bizarre comment was made. And as has become a routine with the gaffe-prone chief executive, White House staffers added shamelessness to what could have been limited to embarrassment by issuing a statement: “The President was making the point that the factors that caused inflation were in place when he took office. The pandemic caused inflation around the world by disrupting our economy and breaking our supply chains.”

Americans will have to decide for themselves if the claim made by Biden was a lie intended to mislead anyone not familiar with the trajectory of prices over the past several years, or an innocent error. It is a choice US citizens have been confronted with frequently, in particular where assertions regarding the health of the economy have been made. 

If an honest mistake, it simply may be that the President confused the January 2021 inflation number with a number of other price statistics beginning with the number nine in the month of his inauguration. Below are several possibilities.

  • In January 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in their consumer prices summary that the average price of a boneless sirloin steak was $9.418. By April 2024 that price had risen 27.5 percent to $11.662. 

(Source: Bloomberg Finance, LP)

  • In January 2021, fifteen subindices of CPI began with the number nine. Their levels in that month, in the April 2024 report, and the percent change are shown below.
Category Jan 2021 Apr 2024 Pct chg
1 Women’s dresses 90.881 112.831 24.20%
2 Tools, Hardware, Outdoor Equipment/Supplies 92.441 110.476 19.50%
3 Nonprescription Drugs 94.853 111.821 17.90%
4 Women’s Underwear, Nightwear, Sportswear 96.923 113.842 17.50%
5 Hospital and Related Services 936.837 1091.314 16.50%
6 Womens Apparel 97.492 113.453 16.40%
7 Medical Equipment and Supplies 95.402 110.01 15.30%
8 Women’s and Girls’ Apparel 98.301 112.528 14.50%
9 Sewing Machines, Fabric and Supplies 93.216 106.657 14.40%
10 Household Furnishings and Supplies 92.871 106.037 14.20%
11 Elementary & High School Tuition & Fees 901.66 1004.134 11.40%
12 Women’s Outerwear 90.642 98.659 8.80%
13 Telephone Services 94.165 94.624 0.50%
14 Recreational Books 99.671 98.626 -1.00%
15 Major Appliances 94.121 91.288 -3.00%
  • Sixty subindices of the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index began with the number nine in January 2021 as well. Their levels in that month, in the April 2024 report, and the percent change are shown below.
Category Jan 2021 Apr 2024 Pct chg
1 Mutual Fund Sales Charges 93.182 204.823 119.80%
2 Auto Leasing 96.733 140.287 45.00%
3 Truck Leasing 96.706 140.247 45.00%
4 Motor Vehicle Leasing 96.765 138.747 43.40%
5 Food Produced and Consumed on Farms 99.567 138.351 39.00%
6 Public Transportation 91.513 120.933 32.10%
7 Accommodation 93.386 119.068 27.50%
8 Foreign Travel in the United States 97.372 123.978 27.30%
9 Elementary and Secondary School Lunches 91.57 116.124 26.80%
10 Passenger Fares for Foreign Travel 91.751 115.091 25.40%
11 Financial Service Charges and Fees 95.364 118.713 24.50%
12 Securities Commissions 95.608 118.083 23.50%
13 Admissions to Specified Spectator Amusements 97.666 119.466 22.30%
14 Market-based PCE Financial Services & Insurance 96.438 114.992 19.20%
15 Photo Studios 97.754 115.279 17.90%
16 Nonprescription Drugs 97.365 114.568 17.70%
17 Window Coverings 94.669 110.136 16.30%
18 Children’s and infants’ clothing 96.357 111.572 15.80%
19 Other Medical Products 95.8 110.87 15.70%
20 Therapeutic Medical Equipment 95.801 110.87 15.70%
21 Clothing Materials 99.749 114.595 14.90%
22 Sewing Items 99.751 114.597 14.90%
23 Photo Processing 92.004 105.667 14.90%
24 Furniture and Furnishings 99.927 114.063 14.10%
25 Personal care products 99.213 112.852 13.70%
26 Film and Photo Supplies 92.224 103.706 12.50%
27 Luggage and Similar Personal Items 96.722 108.592 12.30%
28 Internet Access 99.197 111.186 12.10%
29 Mens and Boys Clothing 97.341 108.557 11.50%
30 Therapeutic Appliances 99.271 110.502 11.30%
31 Control Group 99.722 110.412 10.70%
32 Taxicabs and ride sharing services 98.409 108.25 10.00%
33 Intracity Mass Transit 98.501 108.351 10.00%
34 Garments 93.191 102.508 10.00%
35 Clothing and Footwear 94.361 103.729 9.90%
36 Market-based PCE Clothing and Footwear 94.353 103.72 9.90%
37 Other Clothing & Footwear 98.401 107.891 9.60%
38 Shoes and Other Footwear 98.291 107.685 9.60%
39 Finished Goods less Food and Energy 98.946 108.325 9.50%
40 Durable goods 97.78 106.377 8.80%
41 Womens and Girls Clothing 90.343 98.049 8.50%
42 Jewelry 97.073 105.266 8.40%
43 Jewelry and watches 99.087 107.103 8.10%
44 Recreational Items 92.353 99.648 7.90%
45 Foreign Travel By US Residents 98.902 106.014 7.20%
46 Cosmetics, Perfumes, Bath, and Nail Preparations and Implements 96.251 102.485 6.50%
47 Sporting Equipment, Guns, and Ammunition 99.706 105.444 5.80%
48 Clocks, Lamps, and Decorator Items 92.067 96.885 5.20%
49 Other durable goods 92.242 95.315 3.30%
50 Market-based PCE Durable Goods Other than Motor Vehicles & Parts 94.162 97.049 3.10%
51 Nonelectric Cookware and Tableware 91.406 92.865 1.60%
52 Educational Books 99.295 99.601 0.30%
53 Other Direct Commissions 96.539 96.653 0.10%
54 Medical Laboratories 98.02 98.091 0.10%
55 Communication 93.404 92.69 -0.80%
56 Market-based PCE Communication Services 93.404 92.69 -0.80%
57 Household Linens 94.126 93.351 -0.80%
58 Motorcycles 99.748 98.92 -0.80%
59 Employment Agency Services 98.682 94.998 -3.70%
60 Personal Computers and Peripheral Equipment 90.071 85.868 -4.70%

Alternatively, Mr. Biden may have mistaken a different January 2021 economic statistic with the July 2022 year-over-year headline CPI number.

  • The spread between the 1-year US Treasury bill and the 10-year US Treasury note was 97.9 basis points (0.98 percent) in mid-January 2021. That spread inverted in mid-2022, about the time that headline CPI year-over-year actually reached 9.1 percent. A normal yield curve slopes upward, with a positive spread showing that longer-term bonds yield more than shorter-term ones, typically reflecting expectations of economic growth and rising future interest rates. An inverted yield curve slopes downward with a negative spread as shorter-term bonds yield more than longer-term ones. Those conditions are often considered a predictor of an economic recession. As of May 2024, the 1-to-10 year spread has been negative for over 600 days.

1-year Treasury bill 10-year Treasury note spread (Jan 2021 – present)

(Source: Bloomberg Finance, LP)
  • The Federal Reserve’s Industrial Production (IP) Index was at 98.8 in January 2021. Owing to lockdowns and other pandemic policies, the index plummeted to a low of 84.6 in April 2020 and was recovering early in 2021. But despite hitting a post-pandemic high of 103.5 in September 2022, the IP Index hasn’t yet recovered its September 2018 all-time high of 104.1. Since the start of 2024, the index has declined, currently oscillating between 101.8 and 102.8.

Industrial Production (2014 – present), with all-time high (red dotted line), and January 2021 (black vertical line) indicated 

(Source: Bloomberg Finance, LP)

It’s possible that Mr. Biden has once again fumbled details accidentally. Yet the consistency of those blundered messages, each absolving his administration of responsibility for declining economic conditions, is simply not consistent with randomness. American citizens have been told that corporate profits, Vladimir Putin, owners of gas stations, and ocean shippers are responsible for the huge surge in prices. Month-to-month and year-to-year price change data has been conflated misleadingly, as have statistics regarding how the US inflationary surge compares to those in other nations.

Whatever the specific reasons, the desperate evasiveness is glaring. Knowing that the CPI was not “over 9 percent” in January 2021, but rather 1.4 percent, hitting 9.1 percent in July 2022, is one thing. Recognizing that the administration of monetary policy has become a third-rail issue to be evaded at all costs is another, more pressing, matter. Instead of properly attributing the increase in prices to expansionary monetary policies (and to a lesser extent, massive debt and deficits), many in the political establishment prefer to tell ham handed-lies which further erode an already ramshackle credibility. It may be that the political establishment believes that the American public is not sophisticated enough to understand the Fed. More likely, the ability of the Fed to provide a swift economic boost during crises (without the lengthy process that fiscal stimuli require) is deemed too important to endanger by drawing attention to: even the staunchly anti-high finance Elizabeth Warren voted against auditing the Fed in 2016. The bipartisan inclination to keep the US central bank out of critical discussions is one which, whether inflation subsides or the Fed heeds calls to normalize at the 3-percent level, demands closer scrutiny.

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